David Porter » Entries tagged with "Gt Yarmouth Hippodrome"
Risque Zero
Compagnie Galapiat, Gt Yarmouth Hippodrome part of the Norfolk & Norwich Festival 2013 Review published in the Eastern Daily Press, 27 May 2013 While contemporary, edgy, experimental, zany circus knows no boundaries, the French seem to have cornered the market. Risque Zero proved the point. In the great Hippodrome arena this young company of six created a moving, never-the-same, never-static piece of surreal madness with a talented virtuosity that was stunning. This was not traditional circus in any sense, yet it drew on the traditions of commedia dell’Arte, the Circus of Horrors, the Marquis de Sade and a breathtaking agility that chimed perfectly with the needs of pure entertainment. Mouth ping-pong was totally original. It explored exciting, escalating risk, so we had scenes involving axes, sledgehammers, darts, knives, fire, explosions, teeterboard, Chinese pole and ring juggling … Read entire article »
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