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David Porter » Writing » Detestable Things

Detestable Things

What are detestable things?

Detestable Things is my new novel. It’s self published under my Walk In My Shoes imprint. And it is just what you need if you’re in self-isolation and/or social distancing mode with time to kill on a yarn!

Yes, it’s available in paperback or Kindle versions on Amazon.

So what’s it all about?

Well, drawn by the darker side, the world of revenge often with an element of surrealism and humour, my stories and novels are about often ordinary people. But those ‘ordinary’ people may behave or respond in unusual or strange ways.

This one is what I intend to be the first of a series of novels set in Anguish Street. Here almost every front door hides the seen detestable things spoken of in the Book of Proverbs – ‘haughty eyes, a lying tongue and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet breathes out lies and one who sows discord among brothers.’

This dark tale of residents of old Anguish Street in a coastal town is my second novel.  Detestable Things sees the fall of old-fashioned, ageing assassin Jerry Fletcher and the dawn of a new era under his recently found 17-year daughter, Spice. My first was a decade-spanning revenge story called Old Men’s Dreams (2015).

Short, Often Dark Stories

The novels go alongside my two collections of short stories, Wild Beasts and Plague (2018) and Scoffers Will Come (2019). These are also both available in paperback and Kindle editions. Additionally they’re ready to buy on Lulu or post free from The Book Depository.

Walk in My Shoes Publications is the title I have given to my self-published writing. It describes in many ways the condition I have, Charcot Marie Tooth, which deforms my feet. That’s why you see the surgical boots in the logo. Nobody could or would walk in them, let’s face it!

Happy reading!


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