David Porter » Archive
Showstoppers! The Improvised Musical
Showstopper! The Improvised Musical at Norwich Playhouse Review published in Eastern Daily Press, 22 February 2011 There are performer-improvisers, creating sketches from random audience suggestions in bizarre styles and settings. There are quality musical companies. And then there is Showstopper! the Improvised Musical. Every night, the team of eight talented artists create a musical from scratch, based on ideas called out. A Director steers, sifting ideas (and unafraid to take risks, like male stripper), allowing the cast’s talents act, dance and sing the ad-hoc tale. A packed Playhouse rocked with laughter as a Retirement Home in the future was chosen as setting. Styles from Les Miserables, Wicked, Annie and the Lion King were demanded with a tribute to Tim Burton tagged on, all under the title, How I Met Your Grandmother. To improvise successfully, performers must … Read entire article »
Filed under: Reviews
Ideas and Thoughts
This will be the place for ideas and thoughts, recent events and decisions, random links and contacts, a bit of a personal blog, but not to be confused with the Blogs category on here which is mainly pure opinion pieces and an invitation to write blogs for companies. This section will be like a diary, a clearing house of materials for things as they come up, before being allocated elsewhere. This will be ideas for articles or connections with existing ones. Drama materials. Appearances and jobs done. It will be the first call for LATEST info. … Read entire article »
Filed under: Ideas and Thoughts