David Porter » Blogs: My Own » Traffic Report 4 – Humps
Traffic Report 4 – Humps
Just back from the garage, having been towed by the ever-helpful RAC. I’m hundreds poorer. The problem? Both coil springs gone.
Why? I’m told that modern, lightweight cars are unable to cope with increasing pot holes and excessive speed humps, the so-called ‘sleeping policemen’.
Let’s leave aside the poor quality of so many roads, repaired in grudging fits and starts by overburdened taxpayers generally getting very little for their road/fuel/repair taxes. Yes, pot holes play their part in racking cars, but It’s speed humps that cause the greatest damage.
The theory, like so much in our world, is that traffic-calming by dangerous obstructions are a good idea. They slow traffic in residential and school areas, since patently some people refuse to obey speed limits by signs and cameras. If I there is proof that the life of one child was saved by these humps, I’d change my tune to demand just fewer of them.
So, it makes sense to keep traffic at a ‘safe’ speed. It’s just that officialdom has gone overboard, as they always do. Why are so many streets hobbled? The shape, size, depth and viciousness of these humps has to be endured to be believed. Of course, there has to be balance between the need to drive around, and the well-being of local pedestrians and buildings.
But what about the damage to necks, backs and well-being of drivers in general? Don’t local residents need relief from these restrictions? The frustration, anger at the way these things are littered, the unavoidability of them and their inadequate warnings? Nobody bothers about that.
Filed under: Blogs: My Own · Tags: other drivers, transport