David Porter » Entries tagged with "Voice Project"
Lost and Found
Lost and Found The Voice Project Choir, Norwich City Hall Lost and Found review published in the Eastern Daily Press, 8 December 2014 Norwich’s fine City Hall has seen many dramas in its time, but nothing like the exhilarating range of emotions stirred by the Voice Project’s latest. Lost and Found was ambitious, mainly set in the 1930s, in which the 150-strong audience were led on a promenade through committee rooms and the magnificent council chamber to experience their ‘memories and imagination’ concept. Music was frequently minimalist, with repeated motifs such as ‘you, me, are already ghosts’ and sung, whispered and chanted by this aptly costumed, versatile choir led by co-directors Jonathan Baker and the inspirational conductor, Sian Croose. It uplifted the spirits, soaring and echoing through acoustically perfect spaces, before moving into introspective, spooky, surreal, … Read entire article »
Filed under: Reviews