David Porter » Entries tagged with "thinking skills"
Thought Experiments, Mind Games and Creativity
As thinking computers and self-propagating machines are virtually imminent, there is more than ever need for creative philosophical debate and questioning. Between 1996-2003, director of the nonprofit group, Mind Justice, Cheryl Welsh received over 1,800 claims of mind control. She found “a strong case that the US, Russia, and major countries are developing and conducting classified mind control non-consensual experiments.” This issue is addressed by major legislatures, some human rights groups and the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR). Her thesis considered cold war electromagnetic radiation and mind control weapons in the former USSR; previous experiments for weaponization; lack of legal protection for human subjects of state-secret experiments; and looked at various developments of ‘weapons to neutralize the enemy without killing’. All governments like to contain/control people, inside its borders and out, … Read entire article »
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