David Porter » Entries tagged with "old age"
No Lack of Madmen
No Lack of Madmen is my third self-published novel. Drawing on my experiences in Parliament (1987-97) and my own ageing processes, I’ve set it in an East Anglian care home designed for one-time MPs, Lords and senior civil servants. Furthermore, the place boasts its own ‘Commons Chamber‘ for residents to relive their glory days. The Protagonist Prone to increasing falls and mobility issues, my former MP James Ellington reluctantly moves in to calm the worries of his … Read entire article »
Filed under: Online and Web Writing, Writing
More Older People Should Be a Golden Opportunity for the UK
As 60 becomes the new 40; 80 the new 60, old age boundaries are pushed ever back. Is there a truly natural lifespan and how can the best be made of it? ‘Hope I die before I get old,’ came from The Who’s 1965 hit, My Generation. It was a youth anthem, suggesting young people should stay young by dying before the onset of old age. But what is old? Money man Warren Buffett (80), The Queen (84), Dame Judi Dench (76) among others, exude life in old age. Nobody’s any longer too old to achieve new things. A man in India fathered his first child at 94, in December 2010. The Bible records scarcely credible ripe ages. Job lived 140 years seeing four generations (Job 42;16). Genesis 6:3 says: ‘The Lord said, … Read entire article »
Filed under: Articles at Suite 101