David Porter » Entries tagged with "business"
Monetising the Web: the New Business Generation’s Holy Grail
Two linked debates about the internet in 2011 are open and equal access, and how to monetise or charge for content successfully without restricting access. September 2011, the UK’s Guardian is offering a one day course in London, Monitising Digital Content, aimed at small and medium businesses, marketeers and organisations. A website is a brand, as they say, ‘a customer service centre, retail outlet and community.’ Many businesses make money online, but maximising it is the magic ingredient of commercial success in this part of the century. The Guardian set out key online revenue streams: advertising, paid-for content and e-commerce. Sessions revolve around those keys: How and why do customers buy? Which revenue stream is right for a given business? How to market successfully from own and others’ content? Affiliate … Read entire article »
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