David Porter » Entries tagged with "A Rebel’s Journey"
A Rebel’s Journey
A Rebel’s Journey My Life and Times My autobiography – A Rebel’s Journey – has been published under the imprint ‘Walk in My Shoes Publications’, as was my novel Old Men’s Dreams. The story of my life has been a while coming, but it’s I something I wanted to do and set my heart, mind and time on it spread over a four year period. I’ve promised to make a donation from sales of this book to Charcot Marie Tooth UK, the organisation looking out for sufferers of CMT. I am one such and my deformed feet did not define or stop me as I did much in my life, but they were a problem that had to be managed. They still are. My children shared living through my ten years in Parliament and afterwards with me. My grandchildren didn’t, so … Read entire article »
Filed under: Writing
CMT (Charcot Marie Tooth) Awareness
CMT – (Charcot Marie Tooth disease) is not widely known about. So how is it seen? Sometimes children appear a little clumsy, perhaps not good at sports. Their feet start to look a bit different. Perhaps their ability to handle things deteriorates. Muscles waste and balance becomes unstable. Gradually their toes may curl, arches rise and shoes don’t fit. There may be neuropathic pain. Gradually feet or hands become more clearly deformed. This is Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT), a progressive degeneration of the nerves caused by genetic abnormalities. There is no cure at present. It affects 1 in every 2500 people on earth, each one in a different way. It is not life-threatening as such, but it can be life-restricting. Named after the three doctors who diagnosed it first, CMT is now becoming better known. Research into the … Read entire article »
Filed under: Ideas and Thoughts