David Porter » Drama Teaching » Drama Resources for Drama Teachers
Drama Resources for Drama Teachers
Drama resources! Drama resources! Drama resources! It’s the common cry of under-pressure drama teachers in all kinds of settings.
Through this website and my published articles about drama teaching and often when I visit schools as part of my exam work, I find I am asked frequently about easily available and accessible drama resources.
I have no problem sharing the articles I have published on here with ideas that have been tried and tested.
Of course, lack of finance is very much part of the issue. I do think many of the books written to support teachers and students directly with ideas in general and exam oriented material in particular are good value as they should last years.
But can I recommend anything else?
For material aimed at students of drama directly from Key Stage 3 through GCSE to A-level for all exam boards, I can recommend the materials published by Zig Zag Publications.
They provide quality photocopiable pages designed and effective for students themselves to use either independently or under drama teacher direction.
For schemes of work, practitioners and one off workshops and covers for teachers themselves, I can recommend Teaching Drama magazine, out twice each term
Yes, I have provided material for this publication, but it seems to be an invaluable drama resource for schools to buy into and the schemes are all online and can easily be distributed and suggested resources looked up.
I contributed to study guides for Pearson Edexcel new GCSE Drama and new AS and A Level Drama and Theatre exams, both published by Rhinegold. I also wrote much of OCR’s guide on Cambridge Technicals Level 3 Performing Arts, published by Hodder.
So, not unbiased recommendations, admittedly, but starting points for drama teachers hungry for drama resources to get going, to prepare for exams or to design their own courses!
Filed under: Drama Teaching · Tags: drama teaching