David Porter » Reviews » An Inspector Calls
An Inspector Calls
Open Space Theatre at the Fisher Theatre, Bungay
Review published in the Eastern Daily Press, 16 September 2013
JB Priestley’s masterfully crafted tale of lies, self-delusion and guilt is touring our region by the respected Open Space group.
It’s a dance round suspicions and characters with things to hide, lives turned upside down, reputations destroyed and generational perspectives. Director David Green cleverly balances moods, tensions and undercurrents.
Peter Sowerbutts plays the pompous head of the family with his business under threat; Yves Green his equally insufferable wife. Cathy Gill is their daughter, a young woman with a conscience, engaged to an unlikeable, shifty younger version of her father, played by Darren France.
Warwick Manning portrays the hapless, ne’er-do-well younger son and Tim Hall presents the mysterious Inspector who mercilessly peels away their outer coats of self-satisfaction. They are a formidable ensemble.
Themes of money, big business, exploitation, prosperity, hypocrisy and responsibility for others are universal and as relevant today as the 1940s when it was written. The political and moralising messages are not overdone.
It’s a stimulating evening for all ages, including young people who study the text for GCSE.
Filed under: Reviews · Tags: drama, Fisher Theatre Bungay