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David Porter » Reviews » Love Left Hanging

Love Left Hanging

Stuff of Dreams Theatre Company at St George’s Theatre, Gt Yarmouth

Review published in the Eastern Daily Press, 20 April 2013

The notorious Maria Marten barn murder at Polstead, Suffolk for which William Corder was hanged, still excites controversy, films and melodramas galore.

However, this take by new and upcoming Stuff of Dreams Theatre offers the few facts and looks at the lies, deceptions and other likely culprits to ask the audience who it finds guilty.

Policing was young in the early 19th century, forensics unborn. ‘It’s not what you see or are told, but what is branded in your mind’ persuades people now as then.

Co-writer and Artistic Director Cordelia Spence weaves a clever narrative, moving from jury room to tragic village, with a puppet as a child, some powerful physical theatre and hanging Corder just perfectly.

An impressive cast multi-roles seamlessly, sings and speaks movingly through well-drawn characters. Tina Baston plays the less than innocent victim; Tom Moran the hapless but culpable perpetrator; Alexandra Casey the secret-hiding step-mother; Any Cule the local bad boy who could have done it for love or lust and Lauren Abel plays the gipsy whore with dirty hands.

A compelling tale, told exquisitely. Watch out for this troupe.

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