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David Porter » Reviews » Echoes and Reflections

Echoes and Reflections

Thalia Theatre at Norwich Playhouse

Review published in Eastern Daily Press, 26 November 2010

Echoes and Reflections

Thalia Theatre’s annual showcase is an opportunity to share an artistic exploration with friends and families of a team of committed and focussed people.

Developed over the past year to stimulate learning, excite creativity in thought-provoking work and challenging negative perceptions of disability, ‘Echoes and Reflections’ was inspired by a visit to St Peter Mancroft Church.

Following a gardener as central character, the narrative unfolded through his garden at first lovingly tended and then neglected as he grew older, and a journey he had to make to reach a heavenly destination, an echo of his past.

Each section was cleverly composed to reflect its own location, timeframe and emotional charge. The large group of participants moved well to tell the story, to create the sense of mystery, religious experience and transformation.

Drawing on physical movement, artwork and photography from the church, collaborative workshops and devising, exploiting a myriad of observed images, the whole was worked against a soundscape from the amazing Yoghurt Collective who created sound and music from bizarre to soothing, discordant to moving.

Artistic Director Molly Rose-Hutchinson envisioned a masterful piece and the discipline, interpretations and sheer enjoyment of everybody involved, whatever their ‘abilities’, was a joy.

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