David Porter » Reviews » StopGap Dance
StopGap Dance
The Cut, Halesworth
Review published in the Eastern Daily Press, 18 March 2008.
StopGap Dance
“Challenging” is a catch-all descriptor of experimental, edgy or fusion performing arts. StopGap Dance is all that and more.
An internationally-recognised professional group of able-bodied and disabled dancers presents a collection of pieces challenging both dancers and audience.
They confront our notions of what is disability; question how far can social integration go and stretch physical and psychological boundaries to new limits.
These professionals are celebrating the different giftings people have and the ties that bind us, and the opening piece of six, with a verbal motif, ‘your useless body’, really hits hard.
Provocative duets, ensemble segments exploring relationships, behaviour and human limitations, in a spotlight, with a single chair, around a girl in a wheelchair… it’s a stunningly diverse programme.
The lonely hearts finale is hilarious as oddballs try to complete their lives.
Crossing dance, music and drama, it’s a truly integrated show with a full range of emotions throughout.
A cast post-show question-and-answer session reveals how work is commissioned, devised and choreographed and cleverly adds details about the performers as people and their working lives.
Lovers of high quality movement, seekers of thoughtful, quirky humour and devotees of challenging material to make anyone reconsider his or her judgements about people, should catch them next time they visit our region.
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