David Porter » Reviews » Cuckoo Teapot
Cuckoo Teapot
Eastern Angles Theatre at Archbishop Sancroft High School, Harleston
Review published in the Eastern Daily Press, 8 May 2008
Cuckoo Teapot
Finding some previously unknown nugget of old England is always a joy. Eastern Angles applied their unique style and bring the history, the times (1880-1930) and the people truly alive. Indeed, they are part of our local cultural fabric.
Tim Bell is a convincing callow youth in this story that goes beyond our region. He is a “Norkie”, one of many labourers who went to Burtion on Trent to malt at the breweries – hence the expression, “gone for a Burton”.
The clash of accents and life views are both the humor and the grist of this tale. Kate Griffin’s play is somewhat convoluted, but the cast handle it well in Ivan Cutting’s fast-paced direction round an interesting set.
Norkies would take home to their mothers a pottery teapot every Christmas. In the past one of these characters, a lad, brought home a baby. The repercussions go on.
Folk songs punctuating the narrative are as expected. In this there is the added bonus of a clog dance by the formidable Jacqueline Redgewell.
Helen Grady plays the heavy-hearted woman from Norfolk. Bryony Harding is the love interest and Graham Howes holds two contrasting roles.
There is a twist in the end which makes this touring show a must-see before the tour ends on Saturday.
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