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David Porter » Reviews » Axis of Evil

Axis of Evil

The Playhouse, Norwich

Review published in the Eastern Daily Press, 22 December 2008

Axis of Evil

Take three students – a pair of Brits (Tom Butterworth and Andy Bennett) and a Yank (Will Averill), plus hours dossing about in student squalor watching films and TV, together with a bunch of willing friends and a host of whacky, anarchic comedy ideas and we have Axis of Evil Productions.

The Coalition – Tales of the Uninvited was their latest instalment of a couple of episodes of a continuous staged soap opera.

Episode 9: Attack of the Yank’s Kid Sister and Episode 10: Horsemen of the Multipocolypse were served up, drawing freely on – and making fun of – Star Wars.

Other influences, ranging from The Goodies, Benny Hill, The Young Ones to Punk’d, were clearly visible as some very funny  lines dropped like debris from their kamikaze approach to physical, comedy theatre.

They also showed a film shot around Norwich – The Tominator, which was a very effective spoof of Arnie Schwarzenegger and the whole genre of futuristic stories.

Some social issues were touched upon – the environment and the economy – and a wide knowledge of movies and current affairs helped to make some sense of this style of amusing sarcasm.

They have built up quite a local following and are admired for their refreshing approach to traditions and conventions. They will be back.

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